717 Sancho
Sancho is a 3 year old 70 pound yellow male lab/golden retriever cross (per owner). He was sadly given up by his owner when she had NO time to spend with her dogs. He is completely house trained, and has been raised around other dogs and even a cat. He is a very sweet boy once he feels comfortable with you, but it takes a few days to gain his trust. Once that happens, he’ll be cuddling with you in your lap! He is submissive and gets nervous when the other dogs get rough housing but he tolerates the chaos. When the craziness becomes too much, he just goes outside and enjoys nature. He loves to bark at squirrels and will be the protector of the back yard! If you are patient and can appreciate his little quirkiness, you will have a loving companion. And yes, he has been allowed on furniture and that’s not going to change!
Dog Rating Level 2