618 Petey
Petey is a 51 pound about 10 month old light yellow male mix. He’s probably mixed with shepherd because he has a ‘dirty gray’ stripe down his back and his tail looks like it was dipped in oil. We knew he was a mix but when we read the wonderful bio the shelter staff gave him, how could we say no? Their bio: “If his full body wag does not win you over, how about his expert leash walking? Or the fact that he rarely barks? What about that he does well with other dogs and is respectful to the Shelter cat? And that he relaxed for his bath today.” We joke that he has a hinged spine because the backend meets the front end with that full body wiggle! Petey is living in his foster home in harmony with his foster friends and is learning house manners and rules. This boy will flourish with a round of obedience class plus it’s a wonderful way to bond with your new family member. Petey is a sweet happy wiggle worm who will fit in well with a family who can give him the love and attention he deserves.
Dog Rating Level 2