491 Trey
Trey is a 68 pound senior black male. We got a call from a northern California shelter begging us to take just one more heartworm positive dog. I had seen Trey on a previous trip and had already fallen in love with him so of course we said we’d squeeze one more in. He is the happiest, easy going, friendly boy! He’s good with kids and every other dog he’s met including an alum of L2L when he was getting a check up at the vets. He was a very dirty dog when we got him…either he’d been out on his own a while as a stray or he was an outside only dog and never got a bath. But he loved his bath and he loved being handled just as much. He is quiet…never a whine or bark. He loves to go on walks, but that will have to stop for a while when he gets his first heartworm treatment in early July. He goes right into his crate at night for bedtime. He’s just finished quarantine for a doggie cold, so he hadn’t had house time till now so house training is in full swing…he wants to please that it should be a snap. Since Trey is heartworm positive, he will be going through treatment at our expense. He can be fostered (to adopt) during this treatment time as long as you are fairly close to where we are located in the Lincoln/Sacramento or close surrounding area. We will take him to Redding for treatment. There are two trips to the vet (a month apart) for treatment and the time in between and following treatment he has to pretty much be a couch potato….no playing or ball chasing until the last treatment is completed. Following the last treatment he has one final rest phase of about 45 days. After that he can resume being an active playful dog! This treatment time is great for bonding as well as time to teach house manners and simple easy tricks. We have had several adopters foster their dog through treatment and thought the time went very quickly and were grateful they did it so they could have the quiet time together.
Trey has moved in with a foster mom who intends on adopting him after heartworm treatment.
Dog Rating Level AWESOME!