458 Teddy
Teddy is a yellow male about 7 years old and weighs 80 pounds. He and his dog friend Pearl (#457) came into a small Northern California shelter picked up as strays. We think Teddy is Lab/Golden Retriever cross. Both dogs are sweet, wiggly, tail wagers that are just happy to get attention. Teddy likes to play ball but isn’t obsessive about it. He seems to be very attached to Pearl and follows her lead on most things. His coat and skin will get better on his new food, he had a lot of flea dermatitis when he came in (his photos were taken before his bath but now he is sparkly white). Pearl and Teddy are heartworm positive and they will be going through treatment at our expense. We take them up to the Redding area for treatment. There are two trips to the vet (a month apart) for treatment and the time in between and following treatment they have to pretty much be couch potatoes….no playing or ball chasing until the last treatment is completed. Following the last treatment they have one final rest phase of about 45 days. After that they can resume being active playful dogs! This treatment time is great for bonding as well as time to teach house manners and simple easy tricks. We have had several adopters foster their dog through treatment and thought the time went very quickly and were grateful they did it so they could have the quiet time together.
Update: Pearl and Teddy are living in a foster home while undergoing heartworm treatment, we will update you following treatment (we always give the heartworm foster first chance at adopting).
Dog Rating Level 1