425 Annie
Annie is about a 2 1/2 year old 73 pound yellow female. She ended up in a small rural northern California shelter as a stray. She had tearing eyes and upon closer examination, she had entropian eyes (where the eyelashes are turned inward and rub on the eyes). So when she went in for her spay, the surgeon also did an ‘eyelift’. Unfortunately, they noticed her hind leg wasn’t quite right and it appears she may have been hit by a car in the past so back in for another surgery…an FHO, A femoral head ostectomy, which is a surgical procedure that removes the head and neck from the femur to alleviate pain. Even though Annie has been through a lot, her tail never stops wagging and she never stops trying to get all the attention. Annie is house trained and crate trained. She sleeps quietly in a crate at night but definitely prefers to nap on the couch. She gets along well with other dogs but post surgery, no rough housing for 2 months. Annie is a sweet lovable dog, and we have gotten quite attached to her through her long recovery. Soon it will be time for Annie to find her forever home with a family she can love for a long long time and one that will love her back! That family will need to allow Annie to get on the couch…if you think you’re going to stop it, think again. This battle is not worth fighting. And Annie is a house dog–she cannot be left in the backyard all day or she will find trouble. She’s perfect with a doggie door where she can come and go as she needs to. At this point we have multiple families in line for her and are not taking any more interested folks.
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