387 Cooper
Cooper is a yellow male, 1 1/2 years old, weighing about 60 pounds. Cooper originally came to us as a 9 month old surrender because the family did not have time for him. Cooper did get some obedience training prior to us getting him, although he still he needs leash work and an obedience class would help that. Cooper knows sit, down, stay, shake, and pose (sit like a poodle). Cooper was adopted through us (last November) by a husband and wife, the husband was in a tragic accident and passed away. His wife is going back to her home country and cannot take Cooper with her due to living arrangements. He is potty trained and knows how to use a doggie door. Cooper is a smart, responsive, eager to learn boy and makes great eye contact. His adoptive home took him for walks everyday but he still needed to run and play in the large yard to get all the energy out. He would be a great running partner. He is very good with other dogs and loves to play and play chase. Cooper lived with a cat in his adoptive home. Cooper loves to sit by you for pets and scratches too. He is ready to get on with being part his new adoptive family.
Dog Rating Level 2