363 Bo
Bo is a 7 year old, about 70 pound black male. Good Samaritans found him along with another dog running the streets and took him home to be safe while they searched for their owners. They found them through social media and owner said she didn’t want them back. It was like Disneyland for dogs at their finders’ house where he got lots of love and attention–exactly what he needed. Bo is house trained, sleeps on the couch(or crate if you insist), rides well in a car, and knows sit. He is ok on a leash but could benefit from continued training. At his temporary home, he swam with his other lab friends daily and was learning to play with toys. He even lived in harmony with their cat! Bo also was a gentleman with the neighbor kids who come over to swim. Though Bo is a bit hesitant at first meeting, within 10 minutes he had his front feet on my lap and was leaning in for loving. Bo would be happy with an equally laid back dog, one that isn’t pushy or bossy, because he is a sensitive boy. You couldn’t ask for a more mild mannered gentleman!
Dog Rating Level 1