Katie is approximately 12 weeks old and a litter mate to Hank. She is a very responsive, happy puppy. She is almost potty trained already! What a smart little girl! And she already knows how to use a doggie door. Katie also sleeps through most of the night in a crate.
Katie was just spayed on 7/21/14. She will need her second set of puppy vaccinations on 8/11/14. She loves to play and wrestle with her brother and the other big dogs at her foster home, and she loves to lay in water to cool off her belly. We are guessing Katie will be a full-fledged water dog. This puppy is extremely sweet and just wants to please.
Please note: Katie needs a family ready for the responsibility and extra work it takes to raise a puppy; these are her formative months, as she is ready to be turned into the perfect dog!