767 Panther
Panther is a 3 1/2-year-old 85+ pound purebred black female. Panther is the name you get when you let your 4-year-old son name a dog! Panther was surrendered because she was purchased for dad but dad works long hours and when he gets home, he spends what little free time he has with his son. It wasn’t fair to Panther and he knew she should have a better life. Panther hasn’t had much training. but she does know sit and is house trained. She hasn’t been out much so her worldly experiences are limited. She’s got such a gentle demeanor. She takes treats with a very soft mouth and from the looks of her girth, she’s had a few too many treats! Give this girl a chance and you will discover how sweet Panther really is. We are looking for a fun household where Panther can gets lots of love and attention along with exercise and training.
Dog Rating Level: 2