715 Lola
Lola is an 8 year old 112 pound black female. We got a call on a Sunday morning that (sister and brother) Lola and Hershey’s dad had passed away and the dogs had been left in the back yard…could we rescue them? A family friend met us at the empty house and got us into the back yard where the dogs had been living on the side yard with igloos as protection from the weather. What we’ve learned just living with these 2 dogs is that they probably were never allowed in the house, never had much attention (they don’t know their names!), they don’t even know the sit command. Now they are living in the house, have learned to go outside through the doggie door to go potty, they sleep quietly in a crate, and they are the 2 sweetest dogs you’ll ever meet. Lola has had chronic ear infections which we are treating, and we got them all their vaccinations and tests, but mostly what they are getting is lots and lots of attention. Lola is independent of her brother, but Hershey really looks to her for leadership. It would be wonderful if they could be adopted together, but if that isn’t possible, Lola could be adopted on her own, but Hershey will need another easy going dog companion. Lola needs a serious diet and an exercise program she can work up to so that she can lose 30 pounds. Both these dogs deserve to know what it’s like to become a Labs 2 Love dog where they will be spoiled rotten in their golden years.
Dog Rating Level: Low 2