712 Daisy
Daisy is a 2 year old 46 pound black labradoodle, according to her owner. Daisy was a frequent guest at a northern California shelter where we picked her up after her owners decided not to this time. She’s a social butterfly and wants to be around her people and other dogs…not left alone and being bored. She looks like a poodle, dances like a poodle, jumps like a poodle, but has that great lovable lab lean. She is mature for her age, but she still has a little puppy left in her at times too! She is house trained, would prefer sleeping on the bed spooning with her human, but she knows little formal obedience. She’d do great with an obedience class or someone who could teach her a few things just to make her the best canine citizen she can be.
Dog Rating Level: 2