679 Leah
Leah is a 75 pound (overweight) 2 year old English purebred chocolate female. She was living in an outside kennel with her mommy, Cassie, who was a breeder kept for the sole purpose of selling puppies to make money for the owner (we assume that was going to be the plan for Leah as well). When the gate to the kennel was inadvertently left open, the girls got out and into their free range chickens. Bird dogs and birds are rarely a good combination and the owner was threatening to shoot them. Leah doesn’t know anything but she is a quick learner, she already knows how to use the doggie door and seems to be following her foster friends leads in becoming house trained. All Leah has had her entire life was Cassie and was so attached because that was the only interaction with anyone her entire life…until now. It is always unbelievable when we find dogs like Leah and Cassie confined to an outside kennel with no shade, dirt for a floor, and no care (except being seriously over fed which made the girls obese). Leah is as sweet as they come she loves to touch you, follows you everywhere, and is a bubbly happy, super sweet girl. She will need to diet (which has already begun), leash work, and start easy exercise (even though she loves to run around the yard if someone else is running around too). She is easy going, a quick learner, and one of the sweetest girls we have had, she loves everyone and will be an awesome addition.
Dog Rating Level 1