657 Wiley
Wiley is about a 2-3 year old 75 pound yellow male. A homeowner got a citation for barking dogs and 2 days later, he brought in ‘a found dog’ to a valley shelter. Wiley isn’t a barker but he will yodel when he gets lonely! He is now over his cold, and got all his vetting and is in the house enjoying the good life. He gets along with all his foster friends even the grumpy old ones who growl…those scare him! He is a total love! He wants nothing more than to cuddle and try to be a lap dog! He’s well on his way to house trained (no accidents), knows sit and walks nicely on a leash. He sleeps in a crate at night (that’s when you’ll hear a yodel or 2 just to let us know he’s lonely). Wiley likes to watch TV! Wiley deserves a second look–get past his looks to discover a very sweet boy who, when given the ok, will give you a hug! Wiley will do best with someone around, but then all dogs do better when their person is around. He just enjoys the company!
Dog Rating Level 2