655 Nia
Nia is a 63 pound 1 1/2 year old yellow female lab puppy(at heart). Originally purchased as a companion for their father to keep him busy, dad decided to return Nia to the kids who live in an apartment which doesn’t allow pets. Nia has been raised with children, is playful and submissive to other dogs and is house trained. She is still a lab puppy and needs training but she’s had a loving start. Lab puppies need lots of attention, training, and exercise to keep them physically and mentally stimulated…otherwise they become naughty dogs. Don’t expect your old dog will keep her entertained…Nia’s foster’s family’s old dogs just find her annoying and fortunately are very tolerant of her puppy antics. Her people said she’s happiest being around her family. Nia is definitely not a dog you can put out in the backyard while you are at work…mischievous is her middle name!
Dog Rating Level 2