645 Tiller
Tiller is a 7 year old about 80 pound yellow male. His people adopted him from a shelter when he was about a year old and have loved and cared for him for the past 6 years. Sadly, recently, their world has turned upside down with their toddler getting diagnosed with a serious illness. So for Tiller’s sake, they tearfully surrendered him to us to find him another fabulous home. Tiller is good with children and was there as his family grew. He recently has been staying with friends with 2 small dogs and he’s been doing great with them too. In fact, his people say he loves other dogs and gets very excited to play. He is house trained, crate trained, walks nicely on a leash, knows sit, shake and down along with wait and stay…this boy is a smart and well trained boy! Tiller is looking for another family to love and be loved by and to get the love and attention he is used to. His dad said he loves playing fetch and swimming but most of all belly rubs…the more, the better!
Dog Rating Level: 2