642 Rocky
Rocky is a 4 1/2 year old 73 pound purebred chocolate male. Sadly surrendered by his tearful family because the house they are living in just doesn’t have the space for a young active dog like Rocky. He loves retrieving and will retrieve till your arm falls off. He’s been an outside dog his entire life so is now learning inside rules. He seems to have housetraining down with a doggie door, but he’s still learning no paws on the counter rule and general polite house manners. Rocky is good with older children, other dogs and even cats. He is obedience trained so he walks nicely on lead, knows sit, down and stay so learning new things will come easily for Rocky. Rocky needs a home where he can become an integral part of a family who will give him the exercise he needs and to work with him to give him the mental stimulation he requires. Rocky comes from a breeder who breeds for intelligence, hunting desire, personality and good looks so don’t think you can bring Rocky into your home and think he’s going to lay in front of the fire.
Dog Rating Level 2