623 Sophia
Sophia is a senior black and tan and white with freckles female, maybe 12 years old and 65 pounds. She was found with Bear in a rural orchard where animal control believed they were dumped. After meeting her at the shelter, we could not stop thinking and worrying about her. She had filthy, matted fur that had to be horribly uncomfortable let alone hot in this weather! Too many sleepless nights later, we went and rescued her and took her straight to the groomer for a complete grooming and shave down. We know she feels better and we’ll sleep well knowing she’s safe. Yes, we know she’s not all lab…maybe Gordon Setter…she had the long coat and the coloring. We know she’s old and all that comes with old…hard of hearing, poor eye sight, a little stiff in getting up and going, but dying in a shelter after she’s given someone her love and loyalty for all her years is immoral let alone dumping is criminal. She’s had a rough life…she has some scars and her right ear is in 2 sections having been torn in half. None of these things bother her; she’s happy to be alive and we’re happy to help her find her new loving home. If you are the one to adopt, you automatically reach angel status with Labs 2 Love because we LOVE the seniors and without your help, we can’t save more.
Dog Rating Level 1