617 Sam
Sam is a 6 1/2 year old 71 pound AKC registered yellow male. Tearfully given up by his mom when she realized she couldn’t give him the time and attention he enjoyed before his dad passed away. They rescued Sam from a family who thought if you pay for a purebred lab, they will train themselves. Fortunately, his new family took excellent care of him and Sam is well socialized, is house trained, and will sleep in a crate but is also good on his dog bed. He gets along with kids, other dogs but cats are an unknown. He is obsessed about playing fetch so it has to be kept under your control. Sam was adopted 6 months ago and recently returned because he wasn’t happy with them anymore. Sam has been a well loved and well cared for boy looking to find another family who will love and care for him just as much. He’s a happy, bouncy boy!
Dog Rating Level 2