587 Yogi
Yogi is a 96 pound 2 year old chocolate lab. His people purchased him to be a hunting dog but Yogi is an English Lab and they’ve been bred as show dogs and not hunting dogs. Yogi didn’t make it as a hunter(though I don’t know how hard his owner tried). Yogi came to us via a very rural shelter in central Nevada in the high dessert where the nights are below freezing. From the way Yogi came to us, he probably was an outside dog his whole 2 years…he sort of looked like a buffalo losing his winter coat. He’s been to the vet to get vaccinations and fecal and heartworm testing and will be neutered shortly. And he got a very good bath after being brushed and brushed and brushed. Yogi is a different dog now! He looks even more handsome all dark chocolate and shining. Yogi came to us knowing nothing! We’re working on the sit command and learning to walk on a leash. He’s getting house trained and crate trained too. He’s taking the training in stride; he loves all the attention he gets during his training sessions. He’s a bit hesitant around new people, but once he’s comfortable with you, he’ll knock you over with his lab lean for a good ear scratching. And because he’s a 96 pounder, he’ll knock over little ones with his clumsiness and size. He’s shown us he’s good around other dogs in his foster home, but those dogs are used to meeting new house guests on a regular basis and ignore the giant in the house. Yogi has to start obedience training in earnest once he’s adopted because to be a great dog he needs to learn what is expected of him. This handsome boy can’t live on his striking good looks alone!
Dog Rating Level 2