569 Tinley
Tinley is a 3 1/2 year old 58 pound chocolate female retired breeder. She is very timid, but loving and gentle and will slink right up to you and put her head on your leg and stare up at you. She’s been a kennel dog so she will need to learn house manners. She is so sweet and such a sensitive girl, that she is learning quickly. She went from being hungry and underweight to a shelter foster home where she over-ate so she’ll need to lose 5-10 pounds. We can’t blame her; she hadn’t had regular meals and when a lab is given food, they will eat as much as you will feed them–typical lab! And Tinley is starved for attention and affection as well. Tinley is looking for a patient family who will guide her into the new world that is before her. A quieter household is best while she gains her self confidence. She just needs to be given a chance.
Dog Rating Level 1-2