554 Jazzy
Jazzy is a 12 year old about 90 pound black female lab probably hound mix. She and her blind senior dachshund buddy were ceremoniously dumped when her owners decided that they were going to travel in their RV and “it’s too difficult with 2 senior dogs!” Another rescue took in both dogs and gave us a call for help in placing Jazzy. A little old, a little arthritic, a little overweight but full of life, Jazzy is a hoot. She’s like that ol’ crazy grandma that everyone loves because she is up for anything. The hound part of Jazzy comes out when she ‘talks’ to you…and she will talk back! She’s house trained and grabs the best dog bed every time. She puts herself to bed early each night up a flight of stairs to the master bedroom so the ol’ girl still gets around. She knows sit, she is fine with a short walk, but mostly she just wants to be in the house with you or laying in the sun on the deck…anywhere you are. She’s good with other dogs and great with kids…we don’t know about cats but our guess is that she wouldn’t bother them if they didn’t bother her. But then, not much bothers her. It just broke our hearts to hear such a loving sweet animal was dumped for such a poor excuse. And she mourned losing her family for a few days but now she’s ready to give all her love to her next family.
Dog Rating Level 1