541 Lucy
Lucy is an 85 pound 6 year old chocolate female who needs to lose 20 pounds! She was the beloved fur baby of an older woman who sadly was diagnosed with cancer and could no longer care for Lucy. She gave Lucy to a loving family of 6 who thought getting a middle aged lab was a good idea at first. But, trying to raise 4 small children and do a complete house remodel was just too much for everyone including Lucy. So for Lucy’s sake, they contacted us. Lucy is obsessed with food and having no cabinet doors where food is stored was just too inviting for a food lovin’ lab like Lucy! Lucy is house trained and wants to sleep in your room (and on the bed if possible). She’s great with kids, she’s indifferent to other dogs and her previous owner said the same about cats but we haven’t seen that for ourselves. Lucy wants to be with her people in the house and would love as much attention as she can get. She does have one quirk…she prefers carpets over laminate floors and the transition from one flooring type to another is ‘scary’! Lucy knows sit and shake and is good on a leash. She seems to enjoy car rides and so far, is a quiet girl.
Dog Rating Level 2