502 Amy
Amy is about a 5 year old 88 pound (should weigh about 65 pounds) yellow female. The best way to describe Amy is she looks like a sausage with legs. She’s a plus sized girl in a petite sized frame. She was picked up as a stray by a rural valley shelter. The staff were sure her people would come for her because she is a nice happy well adjusted but overfed girl. It’s obvious she’s not missed a meal so surely her people would be missing her. Unfortunately, they never came and her time was up. We’re guessing she’s house trained, she’s good with other dogs, loves her people almost as much as she loves water. She walks ok on a leash but a refresher obedience class will fine tune her skills. She also knows sit. She’s in quarantine for now in case she comes down with a doggie cold (we don’t want our dogs getting sick!) so she’s pretty bored. Once we can move her into the house, we’ll get to know her much better. But what we’ve seen so far, she’s a love bug.
Dog Rating Level 2