447 Camille
Camille is a chocolate female between 1 and 2 years old and weighs 70 pounds. A very small rural shelter at the South end of the Central Valley called us up and asked if we would save her, they don’t have adopters come through regularly and they thought her personality was so adorable she deserved saving. She is not a gorgeous purebred lab, we aren’t sure what the mix is…BUT her happy sweet disposition outshines those ears for sure. Everyone that meets her comments on how sweet she is. She is a tall girl, and a bit on the thin side but she will catch up weight wise. We think she is potty trained since there were no accidents during quarantine. She was tested at the shelter with other dogs and did fine. Camille is curious, happy, wiggly, silly, bouncy and plays with the ball all by herself. She will be a fun addition to the family because she is so personable. Amazingly for her size she is easy on the leash (she also knows sit) but could use an obedience class to make her the best dog ever! Once you meet her you will see why we love her already.
Dog Rating Level 2