415 Chloe
Chloe is a 113 pound 5 year old black female. She was confiscated with 2 other dogs when her owner had some legal issues. She is a curvy girl who needs to lose a lot of weight! Otherwise, she’s an easy going happy friendly lab. She seems to be house trained, walks ok on a leash, knows sit and down. She walked right into her foster home and said hello to all her new dog friends, then walked out through the doggie door to do her business. She slept quietly in a crate her first night, but you need a crate the size of a small house for her to be comfortable. She will be just fine (and more comfortable) on a dog bed. She is very engaging and likes being around her people. She got very excited at the sight of a leash so she should enjoy daily walks which will help to get the weight off.
Dog Rating Level 2 (but easy going)