405 Lola
Lola is a 10+ year old, 72 pound purebred black female. Sadly given up with Ruger 405 when the owner’s landlord said no dogs. For the last couple years, Lola has been an outside only dog because the youngest daughter became allergic to the dogs. Before that and from now on, Lola is back in the house showing that’s exactly where she wants to be with good house manners. Lola is good with other dogs, kids of all ages and even lived with in harmony with the family cat. She is house trained, sleeps in a crate at night, knows sit, but she can definitely use a little refresher course on obedience. Owners say she will play fetch till you drop and absolutely loves water! You would never guess this girl is 10 except for the first signs of graying on her muzzle and eye brows. She is a healthy, fit, active girl ready for what you are going to throw–literally!
Level 2