403 Penny
Penny is a 7 year old plus sized 115 pound purebred chocolate female. Penny was tearfully surrendered with Max 402 when their owner had a heart attack and is too ill to care for them any longer. Family members had been going to her house and letting them out a couple times a day but they were very lonely. Now, Penny is all smiles! Yes, she does need a serious diet. But look pass that and you will see such a happy loving lab! When she went to the vet, she greeted everyone and everything with a wagging tail. She is house trained, crate trained, knows sit, walks ok on a leash, and you don’t even know she’s in the car when she goes for a ride. Penny is one laid back lab and she’ll need lots of encouragement to get off her rear end o go for walks, but she needs it and will enjoy it. Don’t be alarmed at the spot below her eye…think of it as a beauty mark…it is harmless and adds to her character.
Level 1