398 Max
Max is a 4 year old gorgeous chocolate male purebred (English) lab weighing 90 pounds (we have already started dieting, he could lose at least 15 pounds). Max was dropped off at a small rural shelter where his owner said he “didn’t have time to walk him anymore and didn’t want him”. Max is a special boy because he has some pretty serious cataracts. Neither eye has sight, he may be able to see a small amount of light according to our eye specialist. We had a consultation on 9/21/17, with our veterinary eye specialist/surgeon and Max is a candidate for cataract surgery. Pre-operative testing and the surgery itself are estimated at costing $5500.00 (there will also be some additional medication and follow up visit fees). The surgeon believes Max’s cataracts are genetic, his parents most likely had them or are predisposed to them. We are thrilled at having the ability to be able to correct his vision (or lack of vision). We could really use your help, any amount will help make a difference for us. You can send a donation to P.O. Box 232, Lincoln, CA 95648, or via PayPal from the link on our web page. Max is a super sweet, active, playful, friendly (EVERYONE is his friend, including cats) boy and he is very deserving of this opportunity. Once Max has surgery and a few follow up visits he can go to his new adoptive home, we would like his new home to be within driving distance of the eye specialists in Rocklin if possible. UPDATE: Max passed his pre-op testing last week with flying colors. Our vet says his cataracts are genetic, not from a health condition.
UPDATE: Max can see now!!! His surgery went fine, he did have rents in the anterior lens capsule of each eye and he developed a superficial corneal ulcer in the right eye during surgery. The vet said he had the cataracts much longer than she originally thought. The ulcer in the right eye was covered in corneal glue during surgery, and hopefully will heal fine. Today (Wednesday 10/4/17) he went for a re-check and there was some pressure in that right eye so he stayed at the clinic for the day to be monitored. We added another eye medication and he is home tonight resting comfortably. He goes back Friday for another re-check.
Update: Max is doing well and is just over a week past surgery, still wearing the cone so he doesn’t scratch his eyes accidently, and we go back to the vet 10/17/17 so we will update you more then.
Update: Max had a great appointment with the surgeon and on October 24th he gets the dreaded cone off permanently! Next appointment is November 1st. He should be able to go home after the cone comes off though, as long as he makes it back for his appointment in November.
We now have half of the money to pay for his surgery thanks to your donations. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SENT IN DONATIONS TOWARDS HIS SURGERY, WE COULD NOT DO THIS WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT!!!
Dog Rating Level 1