377 Dakota
Dakota is a 3 year old obese purebred yellow female. Her owners had twins which left no time for Dakota. Poor Dakota was left alone for long hours in the back yard after she had been a loved pet before the twins arrived. Her people kept hoping that they would find the time to spend with her but never did so they asked rescue to find her a home where she will be loved and cared for. Dakota is at least 40 pounds overweight but with diet and exercise, the extra weight will melt away in no time. She was staying with grandma with her 2 dogs (big and small) and did fine and was fine with the family cat, but we were told that she will chase strange cats out of the yard. She has led a very sheltered life and is tentative around new situations, new people and new dogs, but she warms up to all if you just give her some time. She is very gentle with children and she’s excellent in cleaning up all the crumbs they leave, but she doesn’t need those empty calories! Dakota is house trained, knows sit, is great on a leash, and loves car rides. Dakota is looking for a family who can have the patience so that she can experience all the fun there is out in the world…it will just take a little time and you will be rewarded with a wonderful loving lab blossom before your eyes.
Dog Rating Level 1