370 Casey
Casey is about a 65 pound 1 1/2 year old chocolate female. Another homeless shelter dog, but not anymore. Casey ran out of the shelter to get to a spot where she could do her business and then jump right into the crate in the car to freedom. She met her foster dog friends and it was ‘game on’…they ran and played till it was time to cool off in the water. She apparently thinks the water at the bottom of the bowl tastes better than what’s on top because she puts her head under water to drink. She knows sit, she is ok on a leash but could use training to make her the best Labrador she can be. She may be house trained; no accidents yet but we’ll know for sure in a couple days.
Casey has lots of energy but she has an ‘off’ button too. She is one who will need more than just a walk a day to burn off her energy…she’ll either need a jogging partner or an equally active and fun dog friend to chase around the yard.
Dog Rating Level 2