Dolly is a 10 month old female Lab/German Shepherd mix weighing about 45 pounds. Her mom is a purebred lab and dad is lab/shepherd mix. She was accidently hit by her owners car and needs surgery on her left hip. The surgery to fix her hip is scheduled the day after Memorial Day. Dolly is a sweet, quiet, shy, smart, happy, cuddly girl who has led a very sheltered life up until now. She is crate trained and will soon be potty trained. We are confident with training and socialization she will be an awesome and loving companion. She likes all her foster dog friends and absolutely LOVES children. Dolly had surgery and is recovering, it went well for the hip part. However, she developed post surgical pneumonia and spent a few days in emergency care.
Update:Dolly had another set back this week (6/12/17) and is in emergency care again.
Update: Dolly had esophagus surgery today (6/15/17), she did very well. The vet found a stricture which makes it difficult to swallow. He used a device to push the scar tissue to lay flat against her throat. Hopefully she will only need one of these surgeries, but most likely she will need at least two more surgeries to correct the scar tissue. Her spirits are good and she is very patient and sweet during all of this. Crossed fingers she gets to come home tomorrow.
Update: Dolly came home yesterday (6/16/17), and is on a lot of medication to help her eat and drink. Its hard for her to swallow at times. She still has wags in her tail and a smile on her face and wants to follow me around the house, then sleeps at my feet. We go back for a re-check with the surgeon on Wednesday, so cross your fingers for us.
Update: We are so sad to tell you we had to put Dolly to sleep yesterday (6/20/17). Dolly’s esophagus was worse than before her surgery last Thursday. She was unable to swallow her own saliva. At this point she required a feeding tube inserted into her stomach as well as an unknown number of esophagus surgeries in her future (the surgeon had serious concerns that he could successfully insert the feeding tube). Knowing how much pain she was in (even on pain medication) we could not take the pain away and make her better. This was not an easy decision by any means. Dolly’s foster mom held her in her arms, gave her kisses, and told her what a good girl she was to the very end. We are heart broken. We know lots of you have been following Dolly’s story and praying for her to get better. We are so thankful for your support and donations which enabled us to give it our all to try and save her. Your donations will also allow us to save others. Thank you.
At this point we have spent over $9,000.00 on her medical care and there are more vet expenses to come. If you would like to send a donation on behalf of Dolly to help with her expenses we would be very grateful. Your tax deductible donation can be sent to: Labs 2 Love Rescue, PO Box 232, Lincoln, Ca 95648. You can also donate through Paypal, the link is on the web site. Thank you!