329 Andi
Andi is about a 6 year old, 75 pound yellow female. How a sweet, friendly lab like Andi ended up in a shelter and not claimed by her owner baffled us all. She is new to rescue, so it will take a few days for her to settle in and see what she knows, but so far, she’s a happy go lucky, playful lab. When she saw the tennis ball, that’s all she could focus on, so we suspect she likes a game of fetch. She jumped right into the crate in the car and never made a peep. She knows sit, has the ‘lab lean’ down to a science, and is showing us that she has some manners. She was good around our 3 year old grandson, but she never could guess where he would throw the ball next. Andi could lose a couple pounds, but she’s pretty fit and active for ‘middle aged gal’.
Dog Rating Level 2