191 Gunner
Gunner is a yellow male one year and 2 months old, weighing about 53 pounds. We were told that in his previous home he was tied up in the backyard, getting no attention at all and he continually chewed through his rope and made his way to his neighbors house where he got attention. His owner eventually gave him up to the neighbor and she took him in for a few weeks but her existing dog doesn’t like other dogs so she contacted us to find him a new home. He is house trained, knows sit, knows how to use a doggie door, and he is good with his fosters dogs. He will chase a cat so no kitties in his new home. He is very sweet and has not been taken out into the world to meet new people and go places, he will need that in his new home plus an obedience class would be very good for him. He does take a few minutes (due to his limited experiences with people so far in his life) to warm up to new people but once he knows you he is your friend forever especially if you have a ball! He is still a young pup and will need lots of guidance and to learn the rules in his new home (as all young dogs do). He is very good with his foster moms 7 year old daughter. He would be a great jogging or running buddy for an active household. He LOVES to play ball so he will need plenty of that in his new home as well.
Dog Rating Level 2