149 Blue (Puppy)
This is one of the black male puppies from our litter a few weeks ago, adopter returned him because of recent changes in their family life and she did not realize the time and effort in raising an infant puppy. This is the boy we call Blue, he is 10 weeks old now. He has had his first vaccinations, a fecal test, and been dewormed twice. He sleeps in a crate at night. He is a smart boy and loves playing with his fosters older dogs, which is very helpful to his foster mom. So far he has not had any potty accidents in the house and is well on his way to being potty trained. He LOVES his food as most labs do and he LOVES to play ball, he even brings it back so you can throw it again. He seems to like the water too since every time his foster mom turns on the hose he is standing under the water spray.
Serious inquiries ONLY, you should think about the long term time, effort, and training involved in raising a puppy. Also, we will not entertain inquiries from families with toddlers or infants as they just don’t mix with those needle sharp puppy teeth and the jumping.