836 Alonso
Alonso is a black male lab about 5 years old and weighing 75 pounds. He ended up at a small rural shelter where few adoptions are happening. He is the sweetest boy, good with other dogs, respectful, just wants to hang out most of the time but there is some play in him. Unfortunately, he is heartworm positive and will be going through treatment at our expense but he will need a place to hang out and be chill, and he may have to be crated if he is too playful. These dogs going through treatment do very well in a foster to adopt situation and it gives you time to get to know them and bond during treatment in a quiet place. If you are interested in Alonso let us know, we want to get him comfortable in his new place before we start the full treatment where he has to remain quiet, no running around or playing once that begins. There are three treatments, first one is given then wait 30 days chilling on the couch and the last two are back to back and then 30 to 45 days chilling with more couch time. Then he can resume daily activity and get on with all the fun. Alonso needs to stay near Lincoln or Auburn so we can get him to treatment.
Dog Rating Level 1 to 2