89 Odin
Adult -
Odin is about 7 or 8 years young (our vet thinks he is about 7) and weighs about 73 pounds. He is a sweet guy, walks very well on a leash, he would tell you he doesn’t even need a leash! He is housetrained and gets along with all his fosters dogs. He is sweet boy and just wants to be scratched once in awhile. Odin does just fine with cats and bunnies too. He is super sweet. Odin came into the shelter with a dog buddy and tends to get lonely without a dog friend around so he would probably do best in a home with another dog friend. Odin just wants someone to call his own and a home to hang around in. His foster thinks this is the best age to adopt…….they move right in and don’t require much except your love and attention.