871 Bear
Bear is a 4 year old chocolate male lab weighing 70 pounds. He was surrendered because the family has no time for him and he was just hanging out in the backyard all by himself. Bear was good in the car, loved his bath, and was happy to meet his new dog friends. There was an indoor cat in the home of his previous owner and he seemed to ignore it the few times he was let inside. Bear just wants to be part of the family and be where his people are. He does need some leash work and an obedience class would be very helpful, he had a small amount of training but no one really worked with him since that training. Bear is happy, friendly, sweet, and ready for his new life. Bear loves to swim too! Let us know if you are interested in sweet Bear and ready to take on some training classes with him. Bear would love to have a dog friend in the home to play with. Bear would like to have his people around during the work day and go on lots of adventures.
Dog Rating Level 2