83 Pepper
Pepper is a petite 55 pound 2 year old black female. She is house trained and sleeps quietly in her crate at night or stretched out on the floor wherever she finds a comfortable spot. She’s good with other dogs, even ones who try to steal her food. She has nice manners and is not the typical hyper 2 year old. She wants to play fetch but her foster friends all beat her to the ball. Pepper is a smart girl who will shine in obedience class and the more she learns, the more confident she will become. She is a bit shy and that is why her people turned her into rescue, but with her foster parents Pepper is really starting to come out of her shell and blossom. Pepper would probably do best with a dog friend in her new home. Her previous owner said she was afraid of their child so a home with older kids or visiting kids would probably be best.