793 Red
Red is a fox red male lab about 5 years old, weighing 84 pounds. Red was a stray who made his way to a very small rural shelter where chances are he was not going to be adopted. He is currently on a high quality limited ingredient dog food to help with allergies. The hair loss on his back end suggests he was a kennel dog with nowhere soft to lay and obviously he wasn’t fed the proper amount of food. We have rescued several of these types of dogs with skin issues and within a few months they look like different dogs with healthy skin and new hair coat growing in, Red already looks like a new boy. Red is a sweet, happy, friendly, couch cuddler who loves everyone kind of boy. He will be your right hand boy and follow you everywhere. He knows sit and needs a little leash work but dogs like Red thrive after being rescued and turn out to be awesome dogs. We are trying to get control of Red’s allergy issues (scratching) and have recently started Cytopoint injections which he will need every 6 weeks (cost is approximately $200.00 depending on where you are located). The injection seems to be working. Red is used to having someone around, in and out, and would not be a good fit for someone gone for long hours during the day. He is an awesome special boy.
Dog Rating Level 2