772 Billie Jean
Billie Jean is a 2 1/2 year old black female lab mix, weighing 83 pounds (new diet starting today!). The pounds will come off with a new diet and some exercise. Her owner passed away and the family dropped the dogs off at the local shelter. Poor Billie Jean did not know what happened, she was so scared at the shelter she had a hard time coping with the noisy frightening environment. She is so grateful to be out of there now. She is house trained, knows sit and rides in the car quietly. She does have a playful side that is coming out and she plays with her foster dog friends now that she feels she can trust. She got her first ever bath and thought it was ok as long as she got a back scratch with it. She tried to play in the hose when we filled the water bucket, and she dipped her toes in a few times too. She is sweet, mellow, easy going (now that the shelter stress is gone), she is still adjusting and we will likely see her energy level increase when she starts losing weight. She is ready to go to her forever home that will make her part of the family, do fun things, and take her places she has never been.
Dog Rating Level between 1 and 2.