72 Liberty
Liberty is a chubby black and white female about 3 years old. Miss Liberty is about the sweetest dog we’ve rescued. And she could be called lucky too, because she was rescued on her last day at the shelter. Though she’s in quarantine in case she comes down with kennel cough(dog cold), she is showing us she is house trained and crate trained. She walks beautifully on and off leash. She knows sit and she comes when called. She still tries to jump up on you to give hugs and as endearing as it seems, when she has wet, muddy paws, it’s not a good behavior. We are correcting that and have discovered that she is a sensitive girl too. When she gets scolded, she drops to the ground like a rock and looks at you with those big brown eyes and there is no way you can stay mad at her. Her transporter introduced her to her cat and she ignored him and she sees her foster friends bark at her through the window and she is showing she wants to play. Just a few more days and she can join the pack, In the meantime, she is getting lots of walks and attention from her foster parents.