680 Cassie
Cassie is an 81 pound nearly 7 year old English purebred chocolate female. She was a breeder and had lots of beautiful babies, but when she quit producing, she found herself living in a kennel outside with one of her daughters, Leah. When the gate to the kennel was inadvertently left open, the girls got out and into their free range chickens. Bird dogs and birds are rarely a good combination and the owner was threatening to shoot them. We saved these gentle loving sweeties and are so thankful we did. Cassie will be spayed ASAP and start her new life as a spoiled Labs 2 Love girl. She will shower you with love. She has a soft temperament with the easy laid back English lab demeanor. She was house trained in her first home and seems to be remembering that. She’s great with other dogs, but her owners said NO cats. She’s also been around children and is gentle. She knows sit and down and walks nicely on leash (though NOT very fast!). She does have spurts of speed especially when she’s outside sniffing around and we call her…she comes running! She’s been bred a lot and has the figure of an overbred lab. She also has a benign lump that isn’t attractive but our vet feels it should not be removed. She also has been outside only for years and her coat is sunburned and brittle. With good nutrition and an inside lifestyle, the deep rich dark chocolate will return (you can see her true color on her face). Because she was a breeder, her original owner had all the DNA tests done on her, and she has all her clearances. But honestly, if you are looking for a sweet, loving, easy going girl to share a lot of love, consider Cassie.
Dog Rating Level 1