640 Rocket
Adult -
Rocket is about a 60 pound 1 year old black male. He was picked up as a stray and was not claimed. He is an absolute sweetheart! Good thing because he hasn’t been taught how to be a good boy yet…not that he’s a bad boy but he needs to learn his manners. He’s on kennel cough watch so he can’t be in the house with all his dog friends just yet, but he’s getting lots of quality time playing fetch and going for long walks. He prefers cuddling with his human or rough housing with a dog friend. It’s never too early to start training and he’s working on the sit command and learning to walk politely on a leash. Rocket is a sweet, happy, lovable lab puppy who has some maturing to do. Once you meet him, you’ll be in love!
Dog Rating Level 2