614 Joey
Joey is about a 4-5 year old 62 pound black male. He found his way to a rural northern California shelter infested with fleas and a bad case of flea dermatitis. He was treated for his fleas and his flea itchies and is now in quarantine in case he comes down with a doggie cold. Joey is SO SWEET! He was sleeping when the vet came in to exam him; he didn’t bother to get up but just gave her chin kisses as he was checked out. He knows sit and walks ok on a leash. He could use further training to make him “the best dog ever” but isn’t that what we all want in our labs? He appears to want to play with the other dogs and he ignored the cats when he was tested. He goes into his crate for bedtime without a peep, in fact, no peeps have been heard yet from this boy. He’s quiet until he’s left alone outside–then he lets the neighborhood know of his displeasure! Joey is a cuddle bug until a squeak from a toy is heard or you show him the ball–then he becomes that possessed lab who can only think about one thing–retrieving! At this point, Joey seems pretty darn perfect. Except for some hair loss on his backside from biting and scratching at those pesky fleas, Joey seems too perfect to ever end up in a shelter. But, we’re glad he did, because now he’ll get to find a fabulous forever home where he will be a member of a loving family.
Dog Rating Level 2