555 Drake
Drake is an almost 7 year old ~62 pound purebred black male. Drake is a fairly well trained but very spoiled boy! When Drake’s owner went through a divorce, Drake went to live with his mom in a condo. No place for a lab, but she did a great job getting him out regularly to give him the exercise and socialization every lab loves. He has had basic obedience training and walks well on a leash and knows the basics. He’s been spoiled but now that he has a yard to play in and other dogs to play with, he is more independent. He trots around the yard with the other dogs, is very comfortable around children, loves playing fetch, and enjoys chasing stray cats out of the yard. He no longer even tries to counter surf (sniffing is sufficient), and he is now sleeping peacefully in a crate at night. Drake is really showing us what a special dog he is and how smart he is. He learned the house rules quickly and is a joy. He still wants to be spoiled but what dog doesn’t?
Dog Rating Level 2