526 Ninja
Ninja is a 17 month old 76 pound yellow female. She’s the most gregarious of the group. Don’t be turned off by her size. The dogs were free fed and Ninja helped herself. She’s already on a diet and with the exercise she’s now getting, the extra weight will melt away. We got a call–a woman was helping her neighbor to find homes for his 4 labs after he suffered a couple strokes and could no longer care for himself let alone 4 young labs. He purchased them to breed and sadly they got no training and lived on a small deck where they repeatedly jumped the railing and got picked up by animal control. The neighbor taught them ‘sit’ but that’s all they knew when we rescued them. They are now learning about house training, crate training, learning to walk on a leash and go for walks. Most of all, they are loving running and playing on grass! It’s fun to see Ninja run…she gets lapped by her other foster friends. They are social dogs for not having much socialization. They do look to each other for support and it will take time and patience for each of them to learn to live more independently. Ninja and her sisters are not dogs you can leave alone in the house or yard and go to work. They would be very unhappy.
Dog Rating Level 2