516 Ava
Ava is a 66 pound 7 year old yellow female. Turned into a central valley shelter by her owners because ‘Ava and the other dog have not gotten along for years’. We tested her with several small dogs at the shelter with no response and the big dogs scared her. She’s met her foster family’s dogs and is all wiggles. She seems to be house trained, she is crate trained, and she knows sit. She’s getting leash training 101 right now, but taking an obedience class together will be good for everyone. We don’t know how she is with kids or cats, but she doesn’t jump up on you and she takes treats gently from your hand. She’s still settling in, and she’s a bit overwhelmed (she doesn’t understand what she did to end up in an overcrowded shelter then into a strange new home) so she’s going to need some time to decompress. Ava is as quiet as a mouse except when she sees another dog and then she does a happy whine…just saying ‘you want to play?’ Ava is a gentle soul who deserves a second chance at a forever home.
Dog Rating Level 2