508 Rolo
Rolo is a 10 month old AKC registered purebred black female lab weighing about 50 pounds. She was tearfully surrendered by her loving owners because she was too much dog for them, daily walks were not enough because she needs to run and play for hours. Her owners worked and keeping her in the crate for that many hours didn’t seem fair either and Rolo cant be left in the backyard since the landscaping she did wasn’t to their liking. So to be fair to Rolo they gave her up in the hopes of finding a home where the humans are runners/joggers, she gets to play ball, and there is a nice doggie play friend (a pool would be nice too, she loves to swim!). Rolo is a chewer (aren’t all lab puppies)? You cant take your eyes off this girl, not even for a minute, its very much like having a toddler in the home. Rolo is crate trained, knows sit, is house trained, and knows how to use a doggie door. Like all pups Rolo will chew toys so for that reason we wont consider homes with young children. She will need an obedience class for leash work and to make her the best girl ever for her new owner. Despite all that she is sweet as can be, a snuggler, and very busy.
Dog Rating Level 2