468 Larry
Larry is a 65 pound yellow senior guy looking for a nice orthopedic bed to rest his weary bones. This poor boy was picked up as a stray and his ‘owners’ never came to save him at a rural shelter. Larry has been neglected–he has severely infected ears and an old likely ACL tear so we know this boy did NOT wander off! We gave him a bath, and honestly, it was probably his first with the amount of dirt that came off him. He is the sweetest, happiest dog whose tail never stops wagging! He trotted out of the shelter with his head held high…he just knew he was headed to a better life. After his trip home, he met all his new foster friends, picked out his crate and proceeded to take a nap…just like a grandpa! Our vet checked him out thoroughly and we will be following up with continued care for his ears. His knee injury is too old to repair so he walks with a little hitch in his step but he gets around just fine. He got lots of oohs and aahs by the vet staff. We love him and we know that once you meet him, you’ll love him too. We’d love to see Larry live out his life with the dignity he deserves in a home with people who will show him the love and care he didn’t get before being rescued. Larry’s adoption fee has been paid by a generous previous adopter, so no adoption fee for Larry.
Dog Rating Level 1