449 Charles
Charles is a 60 pound 1 1/2 year old yellow male. He was turned into an overcrowded valley shelter by his people because he was ‘too hyper’. Honestly, what 1 1/2 year old lab isn’t? But Charlie has surprised us all. He is a sweet, affectionate boy who wants to please his people. He just needs direction and training. He’s already walking nicely on a leash, knows sit, and sleeps quietly in his crate at night. He is currently on kennel cough watch because he was exposed to kennel cough at the shelter so he hasn’t had the opportunity to meet his foster friends up close. He does see other dogs at a distance and barks and whines in a very friendly fashion so we believe he is good with other dogs. Yes, he is a bit of a mix, and if I had to guess with what, I’d guess pointer. He has the thick coat and the affable personality of a lab; he’s more lab than anything else! Charlie is looking for an active family who could possibly take him with them on their morning jog or someone to play fetch with him daily. He is a young lab who needs exercise along with consistent training to make him the best dog ever.
Dog Rating Level 2